Telehealth + COVID-19 Toolkit

As a leader in patient-centered outcomes and communications technology, Visiontree is highly committed to providing the most effective and relevant tools at all times in our evolving world . In particular, in response to COVID-19, the VTOC platform is proud to offer a package of patient-centered tools for screening and on-going communication with their providers and powerful, easy-to-use eVisit solution for virtual clinical and research visits.

COVID-19 Toolkit

Wellness Check / COVID-19 Screening Form

Automated based on diagnosis and appointment triggers for consult and follow-up visits with a focus on oncology and surgical specific workflows

COVID-19 - Wellness Check Form
Patient Announcement Manager

Provides resource links to CDC and WHO, based on global regions. Ability for VTOC Admin users to self-manage broadcast announcements and links.

COVID-19 - Patient Announcement Manager
Medical Team Alerts

Roles-based alerts for replies to patient screening questions requiring follow-up or triage

COVID-19 - Med Team Alerts

FastTrack Video - Clinical + Research Telehealth Package

VTOC FastTrack Video

Delivering on the immediate and relevant needs of Telehealth, VTOC eVisits provide a 'one-click' invite solution for providers, patients, caregivers and researchers to communicate as a care team video conference. The package is cloud-based, launched by SMS text or email, built upon VTOC's proven FastTrack feature.

Telehealth Visits

Patient/provider videoconference visit Integrated workflow with existing EHR - Billing/Scheduling systems with 'one-click' invite. Supports CMS approved Telehealth billing for COVID-19 and follow-up visits.

Virtual Caregiver

Include approved caregiver with 'one-click' invite to join Telehealth visit with patient and provider

Virtual Clinical Trials

Supports paperless clinical trials with e-Consents, multidisciplinary group case review, video conferencing with providers, patients and researchers. Optimize participant retention and accurate data completion with virtual visits for follow-ups

VTOC FastTrack Video - Patient Steps


Learn more about how VTOC can improve your compliance for collecting patient reported outcomes, paperless workflow and integrated multi-center research/registry and population health solutions.